Backing up your important files and data is one of the most crucial things you can do to prevent catastrophe in the event of hard drive failures, ransomware attacks, or other data disasters. Backup Maker Professional Keygen is a robust backup software solution that makes it easy to fully protect your data. This comprehensive guide will teach you everything you need to know about Backup Maker Professional Free download.

What is Backup Maker Professional Keygen?

Backup Maker Professional Full version crack is an advanced yet easy-to-use Windows backup software that allows you to automatically back up your files, folders, drives, and system state. It enables you to schedule incremental, differential, and full backups to local drives, network locations, and cloud storage services.

Key features include:

  • Flexible backup scheduling – Schedule automatic daily, weekly, or monthly backups at any time and frequency. Ensure your data is always fully protected.

  • Incremental and differential backup – After the initial full backup, Backup Maker Professional only backs up new and changed files to save time and storage space.

  • Open file backup – Back up files even while they are in use and open. No more backup failures due to locked files.

  • Drive image backups – Create an exact image copy of entire partitions/drives including the operating system for full system recovery.

  • Compression & encryption – Reduce backup file size through compression and lock backups with military-grade AES-256 encryption.

  • Email notifications – Receive email notifications when backup jobs complete or fail so you’re always informed.

  • Cloud backups – Back up directly cloud services like Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3.

Backup Maker Professional Keygen

Why You Should Use Backup Maker Professional Keygen

Having a solid backup solution in place is critical for every PC to prevent data loss disasters. Here are the key reasons Download free Backup Maker Professional is the best backup software available:

  • Prevent data loss – Protect against hard drive failures, ransomware, natural disasters, human errors that cause permanent data loss.

  • Faster restores – Incremental backups allow rapid restoration vs full backups every time.

  • Automated backups – Set and forget scheduled backups to ensure you never lose data.

  • Powerful compression – Drastically reduce storage requirements for backups through strong compression.

  • Military-grade encryption – Lock down backups with AES-256 bit encryption for max security.

  • Open file backup – Back up open and in-use files missed by other backup tools.

  • Affordable – Backup Maker Professional is reasonably priced for the value compared to costly solutions.

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How to Use Backup Maker Professional Keygen

Using Download free Backup Maker Professional is simple and straightforward. Follow these steps to start backing up your system:

1. Download and install

Download the latest version of Backup Maker Professional Keygen and install on your Windows PC. The installer wizard makes setup easy.

2. Configure your first backup job

Launch Backup Maker Professional and click Create a New Backup Job. Give the job a name and select files, folders or drives to back up.

3. Choose backup type

For your first backup, choose Full Backup to get a complete copy of all data. Future backups can be incremental or differential.

4. Select destination

Choose where you want to save the backup – local drive, network location, or cloud services like Dropbox.

5. Set schedule

Configure the schedule for running automated backups. You can schedule daily, weekly, monthly backups.

6. Encrypt and compress

Optionally enable AES-256 encryption and compression to secure and reduce backup size.

7. Run your backup

Click Start Backup to run the job manually. Scheduled backups will run automatically per your schedule.

8. Verify backups

Ensure your backups complete successfully. Check the logs and destination location.

9. Restore backups

To restore, browse your backups from within Backup Maker Professional and choose which files/folders to restore.

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Backup Maker Professional Settings

Backup Maker Professional Keygen offers extensive settings for customizing and controlling your backup jobs. Key settings include:

  • Backup Types – Choose from full, incremental, or differential backups on each job.

  • Compression Level – Higher compression reduces backup size but increases backup time.

  • Encryption – Set AES 256-bit encryption with your own password for backup security.

  • Notifications – Enable email notifications upon backup job completion or failure.

  • Open File Handling – Advanced option allows backing up open, in-use files.

  • Backup Scheduling – Schedule backups daily, weekly, monthly, or custom scheduling.

  • Network Access – Secure network backups by providing credentials to access other PCs and backup destinations.

  • Logs – Manage log settings like location and amount of detail logged.

  • System State Backup – Back up the system state including registry and boot files for full system restores.

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Troubleshooting Guide

If you encounter issues with Backup Maker Professional, there are a number of possible solutions:

  • Slow backups – Try increasing CPU priority, disabling compression or reducing backup size.

  • Failed backups – The log will reveal the cause. Common issues include insufficient destination disk space, network connectivity problems, open file lock conflicts.

  • Can’t restore – Enable Deep Archive traversal in settings if backup spanned across multiple media. Test restoration process.

  • Compression not working – Verify the compression level set on the backup job. Try increasing the level for smaller backups.

  • Encryption problems – Reset your encryption password if you no longer remember it. Otherwise encryption is irreversible.

  • ** scheduling failures** – Check for conflicting schedules. Confirm destination location is available and powered on.

  • Open file errors – Enable advanced open file handling in settings if backups won’t run due to locked files.

  • Restoration problems – Run a test restore first before overwriting any existing files and ensure you have permissions to write to the restore destination location.

Backup Maker Professional Keygen


Backup Maker Professional Keygen delivers an enterprise-class data protection solution that anyone can use to reliably back up files, folders, drives and systems. Take advantage of features like open file backup, compression, and encryption to create automated backups and bulletproof your data against loss. Follow best practices like verifying backups and keeping multiple backup copies in different locations. Your data is too valuable not to properly protect, so start backing up with Backup Maker Professional today!

By admin

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